May 11th 2014
Expands on Great Stella to include four-dimensional polytopes, known as polychora
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Downloads | 9165 |
File size | 3.4 MB |
OS | Windows All |
Company |
Robert Webb
Polyhedra may now have an internet link associated with them. Found in the Info window below the polyhedron's name. Right-click on it to open or edit the link. Each provided polyhedron that I have physically built now has a link to online photos of my paper model.
Added Coxeter's symmetry symbols to the display.
Added ability to cut just one edge in Cutting Mode with Shift+Right-click, rather than all edges of the same type (Shift+Left-click).
Added "Scale→Base Circumference" to view and set the circumference of a model's circumsphere.
Only a limited set of polytopes is available
Only a few polyhedra may be stellated, faceted, augmented, added to memory, zonohedrified, or used to create geodesic domes
Only two 4D polytopes may be truncated, rectified or expanded
Morphing between duals is only permitted for a few models
You can't customize transitions
Only one image at a time can be loaded and displayed on faces
Only the cube may be exported as DXF, POV-Ray, VRML, OBJ and OFF formats
You can't export images or video
You can't import 3D or 4D models in OFF format
You can't save or load your models and layouts in *.STEL files
Nag screen
grazie mille per il serial del Stella4D